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How to Invest Like Warren Buffett

How to Invest Like Warren BuffettWarren Buffett is perpetually one of the richest people in the world and almost universally considered to be the greatest stock picker the world has ever known. While you might not ever be worth $50 billion, you can certainly learn a thing or two from “The Oracle” and greatly increase your wealth over the long-term. Though Mr. Buffet has never officially written down his process for evaluating and choosing stocks, there is a lot that... ❯❯❯

Mid-Cap Stocks for Beginners

Mid-Cap Stocks for BeginnersMid-cap stocks are categorized as those companies with a market capitalization between $2 billion and $10 billion. Usually, they're well-established companies somewhere between the slower growing large-caps and the rapidly growing small-caps. Recently, mid-cap stocks have done better than both the large-cap and small-cap competition with very little added risk. We're going to examine the principal characteristics of mid-cap stocks as... ❯❯❯

The New Investor’s Essential Guide to Leverage

The New Investor’s Essential Guide to LeverageMost brokers give you the possibility to use leverage to increase potential returns. Using leverage is a risky way to invest, but it can be a good strategy if you have a solid position. There are a few things to be aware of before using leverage, and it’s best to wait until you have experience with investing before you consider using this option. What is Leverage? Leverage is using your broker’s capital to make a larger investment... ❯❯❯

Buying a Home: The Escrow Process Explained

Buying a Home: The Escrow Process ExplainedIf you’ve recently had your offer on a house accepted by the seller, you must be ready and waiting to move in! If you're on the other end of the transaction, you want your money! You’re also likely to be wondering, “What is escrow and why does it take so long?” Escrow may be the last hurdle in buying or selling real estate, but it's a hurdle that can take a while. Let's discuss what escrow really is and what needs to happen for... ❯❯❯

Investing In Bank Guarantee (BG) or SBLC - Choose The Best One

There are many businessmen who invest in various bank instruments like bank guarantees or Standby Letter of Credit and they get a lot of benefits with these types of bank instruments. However, there are so many people or businessmen who still have no idea about investing in a bank instruments like BG OR SBLC. Lets us first understand what does SBLC and Bank Guarantee Used For? What is SBLC? Standby Letter of Credit or SBLC is a... ❯❯❯

Investment Lessons Learned From Warren Buffet

Investment Lessons Learned From Warren BuffetMost people try to invest and make money but they often end up suffering losses as they make the same mistakes over and over again. Wannabe investors should try to learn and emulate the mind sets of rich people such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Dell and Warren Buffet. Let us focus on Warren Buffet, who has been described as the best investor on the planet. These are some of the investment tips he sticks to: 1. Developer... ❯❯❯

More Advice for New Real Estate Investors

More Advice for New Real Estate InvestorsWhat advice would you give to a new investor? 1. Find a coach/mentor in your area to whom you can turn for guidance. Most importantly with anyone you turn to, make sure they are successfully doing what you want to do and talk with others they've helped before you make a commitment of your time and/or money. Real estate investing is not a solo business. You need attorneys, CPAs (knowledgeable in real estate investing), contractors,... ❯❯❯

Know the Different Times of the Day to Make Profits

Did you know that the tendencies that occur in U.S. stocks can be broken down into sequential order for a "usual" trading day? While reviewing this information, remember that the times listed are approximations, which means you can't expect to see a pullback/reversal each day at the exact same time. What you will see is that the pullbacks are common near the times listed. Each of the times listed here are present in Eastern Standard... ❯❯❯

Practical Tips on How to Trade Cryptocurrencies

Practical Tips on How to Trade CryptocurrenciesFor some time now, I have been closely observing the performance of cryptocurrencies to get a feel of where the market is headed. The routine my elementary school teacher taught me-where you wake up, pray, brush your teeth and take your breakfast has shifted a little to waking up, praying and then hitting the web (starting with coinmarketcap) just to know which crypto assets are in the red. The beginning of 2018 wasn't a lovely one... ❯❯❯

An Unbiased Opinion on Technical Analysis and Fundamental Analysis

I took an interest in the stock market awhile back and have always seen much controversy over TA and FA. I personally have used FA in the past and have found decent success with it, I haven't been returning 30% every year like Peter Lynch but I have made decent money over the years. I use FA, but because there has been so much controversy over TA I have looked into it, and even used it in market simulators in the past. I'm going to... ❯❯❯

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